Welcome To The Lucrative CEO Program!
Hello Lucrative CEO,
I am beyond EXCITED that you chose to make this investment in yourself. Anticipate an amazing experience!
Here is everything you need to know as far as logistics for your program. Please feel free to email us via support@dalilaconaway.com if you have any questions! Can't wait for our first call together!
Download ZOOM on your phone and computer. This is where all the coaching calls will be held each Thursday at 6PM CST (See meeting details below)
Meeting ID: 836 4691 2463
Passcode: S5iLBW
Complete your new client intake form right here before you attend your first coaching call
Sign the contractual agreement. This protects you and your privacy and ensures a quality experience with us.
Office Hours are M-F 10am-4pm CST No weekends
If communication is sent during weekdays during business office hours, you can expect a response within 24 hours.
Our company recognizes all major US Holidays and will be out of office in honor of them.
If you have any other support type questions, please email the team at support@dalilaconaway.com
Your Program Breakdown:
Program: Lucrative CEO
Time length: 12 Months
What You Get:
1x Weekly Group Coaching Call (Thursday's at 6PM CST)
1, 1:1 Onboarding Call (book here)
24/7 Access to the Lucrative CEO Learning Platform (Use the email address and password you created during enrollment to access it at any time)
Annual Client Retreat
and many more intangibles...
The team and I are SO excited to SERVE YOU!
Congrats and Welcome to the FAM!
Dalila & Team